Learn to Love Exercise with PGX!

Guess what?! Exercise can be fun!

Here are 7 tips for people who hate to exercise…

I’m pretty sure we’ve all experienced, at some level, the lack of motivation to exercise. In fact, I don’t really like exercising. I like the idea of it but when it comes down to actually working out, I am a professional procrastinator and avoider! But exercise doesn’t have to be draining, tricky, frustrating or dreaded. Here are seven very easy to follow tips that will help those of us who do not like exercising!

Best Tip for Couch Potatoes (like me!):

If you don’t like to work out or go to the gym, choose an activity that is fun! I don’t go to the gym, so I get my exercise by dancing regularly, at least three times a week! I go to dance classes but who says you can’t work up a sweat dancing in the kitchen?!

For six more tips, check out Oprah’s 6 Tips for People Who Hate to Exercise and you might just find yourself falling in love with regular exercise!


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Motivation Monday: Everybody’s Free!

PGX wants you to live life to the fullest!

Everybody’s Free to Wear Sunscreen! -Baz Luhrmann

Have you ever seen the video for Sunscreen by Baz Luhrmann? It may be addressed to graduating students of the class of 1999 but its messages can hit home for anyone who lives and experiences the ups and downs of life. This Motivation Monday, take five minutes for yourself; listen or watch this video and you will feel inspired to live your life to the fullest!

Stay healthy and take care everyone! Have a fabulous week!

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Weight-Wise Wednesday: Mediterranean diet

The Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean diet uses Mediterranean-style cooking and is considered a heart-healthy eating plan.

The Mediterranean diet is based on a healthy eating plan using the traditional cooking style of countries around the Mediterranean Sea.

Key components of the Mediterranean diet

The Mediterranean diet emphasizes:

  • Getting plenty of exercise
  • Eating primarily plant-based foods, such as fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes and nuts
  • Replacing butter with healthy fats such as olive oil and canola oil
  • Using herbs and spices instead of salt to flavor foods
  • Limiting red meat to no more than a few times a month
  • Eating fish and poultry at least twice a week
  • Drinking red wine in moderation (optional)
  • Enjoying meals with family and friends

As the Mediterranean Diet Pyramid shows the diet includes plenty of antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables! Many people who switch to this diet say they’d never eat another way! For more on the Mediterranean Diet check out the Mayo Clinic website.

Does this look like something you’d like to try out? Let us know in the comments below! 


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PGX Office Tip: Desk Exercises

Stuck at desk all day? Here’s a simple desk exercise!

Relieve the tension in your legs with this easy desk exercise we’ve found for you!

Do you sit at your desk all day, staring at your computer, hunching and tense all over without even realizing it?  Work can be a really busy place that doesn’t always allow you the luxury of a midday stroll. We’ve done some internet sleuthing and found how you can loosen up stiff leg muscles without leaving your desk or disrupting your productivity!

Wellness Matters and BC Living have come together to share this easy exercise to relieve the tension in your legs.

It’s always best to get up from your desk, stretch and take a short walk around to keep your muscles limber, but when short on time, try this desk exercise!


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PGX and Green Tea!

There are more ways than one to enjoy green tea!

PGX checks out new ways to enjoy green tea…

I’m sure by now you’ve heard about the health benefits of green tea: antioxidant power, cancer cell inhibitor, headache aid, weight loss benefits, harmful bacteria-killing properties… To sum it all up, green tea is good for you. But what if you don’t like the flavour? What if you aren’t really a tea drinker?

Here is a useful slideshow for those of us who aren’t fans of steeping leaves in our water. Shape Magazine shares 20 New Ways to Enjoy Green Tea.

Reap the benefits of green tea and cook with this super antioxidant power! And don’t forget to get your daily fiber!


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Matching Music to Movement

PGX checks out the latest in exercise apps!

Match your music to your pace and never miss a beat while you exercise!

Looking for motivation and the right tunes to get you ready for your workout? There’s a new app available from iTunes that allows you to match the music to your heart beat.

Check out this video featuring how Cadence Run DJ matches the rhythms of your music to a corresponding beats per minute number (BPM).

Get your daily fiber and keep on moving everyone!

Cadence Run DJ is available on iTunes.

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