Refresh your workout by trying something new



No matter what your fitness level is, you can always benefit from changing-up your workout routine. On top of providing a refreshing change, trying a new form of exercise can help you:


Improve fitness: Just like cross-training, doing something different will help build up new muscle groups. This will make you a stronger, more powerful athlete. If you’re an avid runner, try a weekly yoga class to further strengthen your core and improve flexibility.


Prevent injuries: A repetitive workout regime can lead to injury by overworking the same muscles or putting repetitive stress on joints. Trying a new activity can help reduce stress injuries and even out muscle imbalances for extra physical support.[1] If your go-to sport is cycling, why not try boxing to enhance upper body strength?


Feel more motivated: Trying a new activity is stimulating! It can take you to a fresh new environment and introduce you to new people. When going to the gym loses its luster, join an ultimate Frisbee league or other sports team for social motivation.


Boost weight loss: The more repetitive your workout is, the more efficient your body gets at doing it. Trying something new stimulates your muscles and uses more energy (a.k.a burns more calories!).[2] If you no longer break a sweat at aerobics class, switch-it-up with a hula-hooping class.


After all, variety is the spice of life! Tell us your workout tips in the comments section bellow.

[1] Batalha, N. et al. “Does a Water-Training Macrocycle Really Create Imbalances in Swimmers’ Shoulder Rotator Muscles?” European Journal of Sports Science April 23 (2014): 1-6. Web. 17 January 2015.

[2] Stewart, Brett and Jason Warner. Functional Cross Training. Berkeley: Ulysses Press, 2014. Print.