Sugar Addicts Rejoice! A Testimonial

“I am totally sold on this product.”

A testimonial from a PGX’er who put an end to her sugar cravings with PGX.

PGX’er, A.N., wrote in to tell us that PGX had helped her in a way she never thought possible; it helped stop her sugar cravings! We were thrilled to hear from A.N. about her success with PGX. Read A.N.’s full testimonial below.

“Hi, I just want to thank you for this product!! I bought my first bottle last Thursday and am amazed!! I was a sugar addict. I was always craving sweets and it was wrecking my diet. I had looked at PGX several times and never bought it. Then one day I said ?well, I think I will give it a try?. I am totally sold on this product. I have not had a craving for sweets since I started taking this and my insides feel calm, that’s the only way I can explain it, a calmness inside me. I feel satisfied all the time now. I am doing the Belly Fat Cure by Jorge Cruise and really like the diet and PGX is a good additive. I need to lose about 30 lbs and I know I will do it! A very satisfied customer!


We want to hear from you! Share you PGX success story with us.


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Hop Off the Blood Sugar Roller Coaster

The ride is finally over. Get your blood sugar levels back in check with PGX.

Considering the food landscape within our modern society, most of the foods that we consume in the Western diet are highly processed. “Fast foods” especially are laden with highly refined carbohydrates, which are rapidly digested by the body, causing excessive peaks in our blood sugar levels after we eat. As a result, our bodies tend to release insulin to bring blood sugar back down again, creating chronic blood sugar level imbalances. With an imbalance, blood sugar levels erratically rise and fall, which may have led to the name “the blood sugar roller coaster.”

Cue PGX:

PGX Daily helps control and balance blood sugar levels by counteracting the effects of carbohydrate-heavy meals. How does PGX do this? By helping you feel fuller faster and satisfied longer due to its highly viscous fibre complex. When added to your meals, or consumed pre-meal, PGX can help slow down your digestion. PGX also slows the conversion of carbohydrates and other foods into sugar, resulting in a more gradual release of glucose into the bloodstream. This means that blood sugar levels are less likely to spike when using PGX. And when they don’t spike, blood sugar levels don’t tend to fall far enough to trigger excess production of insulin.

Learn more about avoiding the blood sugar roller coaster.

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Appetite Control: Volume & Viscosity

PGX Tip: PGX can help control your appetite with volume and viscosity.

How volume aids in weight managment:

Food “volume” is an easy concept to understand. The greater the volume of food in your stomach is, the fuller you feel. Unfortunately, many popular “fast foods” provide a lot more calories than they do volume. For example, a double burger with cheese and a large order of fries represents about 1,300 calories, yet they only equal about two cups in terms of volume. This means that you end up consuming a lot of calories before you start to feel full. Comparatively, two cups full of chopped apple, provide just as much volume but only 120 calories! You end up feeling just as full with far fewer (fattening) calories.

Volume & PGX: Because high-fibre foods absorb water and then expand, they make you feel fuller with fewer calories. High-fibre PGX has virtually no calories and substantially increases the volume of your meals without increasing your caloric intake.

How viscosity aids in weight management:

“Viscosity” refers to the thickness of a fluid. Honey, for example, is very viscous, whereas, water is not.

Viscosity & PGX: By mixing PGX with food and water, the highly soluble polysaccharides (or fibres) in PGX expand, increasing the viscosity of your meal. This helps to increase its volume but also slows the absorption of carbohydrates. Because carbs are absorbed more slowly, you feel full longer, which generally results in less between-meal snacking. Sugar is also released into your bloodstream more gradually, avoiding the unhealthy blood sugar roller coaster than can trigger hunger and food cravings.

Learn more about PGX.


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Dr. Michael Murray Explains Why PGX Works

Dr. Michael Murray shares the multiple benefits of taking PGX.

PGX and the GLP-1 Connection

Achieving ideal body is not about dieting or food deprivation, it is all about eliminating excessive hunger, stabilizing blood sugar levels, and increasing the feelings of pleasure and satisfaction from food. The key tool in helping people achieve these goals is PolyGlycoPlex (PGX) ? the most viscous and soluble fiber ever discovered.

Clinical research has shown to exert the following benefits:

  • Reduces appetite and promotes effective weight loss
  • Stabilizes blood sugar control
  • Increases insulin sensitivity
  • Maintains healthy cholesterol levels already within normal ranges

PGX Increases GLP-1

Several animal studies have provided important information on the actions of PGX. In these studies PGX was shown to reduce food intake, lower body weight, improve insulin action, and produce favorable effects on the liver and cholesterol levels. PGX has been shown to produce a significant increase in glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) ? a hormone secreted in the small intestine and colon. GLP-1 is secreted by L-cells in the small intestine and colon in response to food intake.

Studies with a synthetic, injectable form of GLP-1 produces significant weight loss in humans as it makes most people feel full, leading to reduced food intake. PGX appears to produce the same effect naturally. PGX not only leads to pulses of GLP-1 release into the bloodstream as it passes throughout the entire digestive tract it has also been shown to increase the number of the cells that produce GLP-1 ? the L cells ? within the intestinal tract. This mechanism explains the prolonged effect of PGX on feelings of satiety.

New Data

The effects of PGX on body weight, food consumption, glucose, insulin, and glucagon-like peptide (GLP-1) levels were determined in Zucker diabetic rats (ZDFs) treated for 12 weeks with normal rodent chow supplemented with cellulose (control, inert fiber), PGX, sitagliptin, and PGX plus sitagliptin.

Sitagliptin (Januvia) is an oral diabetes medication that blocks the enzyme responsible for the rapid breakdown of GLP-1. Naturally produced GLP-1 is broken down by the body within two minutes after it is formed. By inhibiting the breakdown, sitagliptin potentiates the effects of GLP-1.

Because PGX promotes increased GLP-1 release and sitagliptin blocks its breakdown, the expected result is that the combination would produce greater effects than either agent alone. The hypothesis was confirmed in this study as the combination was shown to produce significant blood sugar lowering effects in both short-term and long-term measures.


Reimer RA, Grover GJ, Koetzner L, et al. Sitagliptin reduces hyperglycemia and increases satiety hormone secretion more effectively when used with a novel polysaccharide in obese Zucker rats. J. Nutr. Epub ahead of publication. doi: 10.3945/jn.112.163204.

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Healthy Chicken Rice Paper Wraps

Healthy. Fresh. Light. NOT hot. We love everything about this summer recipe!

With the excitement of telling you about Natural Factors latest (and amazing!) contest, PGX Winners, our weekly Tasty Tuesday post took a back seat this week. But have no fear! Today I bring you a healthy, light and fresh dinner option – perfect for those fast approaching hot summer nights.

If you’re anything like me, when the heat turns up, the last thing I want to do is turn on my oven and eat a hot, heavy meal. So, the next time you’re feeling too hot to cook, try this recipe out,  from all Parenting, and let us know what you think!


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Make a Plan, Not Excuses

5 Tips on Making a Successful Weight Loss Plan

Find inspiration from the man who brought you his musically inspired weight loss journey in Movement, Music & PGX.

The last few months have been busy for my family. The spring has kept us busy with quite a few activities. I?ve been coaching two baseball teams. We have the soccer training for our two boys. We have guitar lessons. We have social engagements and we have all the other things you probably have in your calendars in the life of Suburbia. Stop me if you heard this one before (borrowed from Morrisey)!

It’s no surprise that being so busy means that exercise takes a back seat. Why does that happen? I mean, we know how easy it is to feel exhausted or overwhelmed. If that?s you, I totally understand. I feel your pain.

For those of you that have been following my blog posts…(Yes, I know they are rare. I?m a busy guy remember?!) Anyways, you will remember that I have lost about 60 pounds by riding my bikes (both on the road and on the velodrome), motivating myself with a lot of music and taking PGX. I?ve been proud of my achievement. It has brought me a new wardrobe, second glances from the wife and more confidence in my physical appearance.

That is until the past couple of months. I must confess that I have only been riding once a week. I have also been eating a little less healthy. So, before I knew it, I put on 10 pounds. It happened quickly. Naturally, I started to get frustrated, but remembering that I lost 60 pounds I quickly came up with a plan. After following my plan for the last little while, I got on the scales this morning and guess what? 10 pounds gone again. I am feeling good, baby!

Here are some things that I think will help you. They helped me (especially this month) and I am feeling the awesomeness that comes with success.

  1. You gotta keep moving: Last Friday I went to a golf tournament for my kids school. I was the only guy in the entire tournament that walked the whole 18 holes. Not only did I feel great, but I got a lot of props from the other parents during the dinner at the clubhouse. Oh, yeah!
  2. Pick a tool to track your progress and set goals: Get something to motivate you and or keep track of your progress. I got a Nike Fuel band last month and it is super, super awesome. I also like Fitbit. I like them because they require you to set goals. You get points based on your movement. So, when I take a peek at my Nike Fuel band I walk instead of getting in my car. I?m starting to wonder why I didn?t get one of these sooner.
  3. Substitute the carbs and high sodium foods: Look, I love my burgers. It’s the American in me. I?m not going to change 100% but instead of adding those fries, get the house salad, sans the creamy dressing. You?ll feel better and reduce your caloric intake. Not to mention that your waistline will love you in the morning.
  4. Drink lots of water and moderate your other beverages: I see it all the time in my social settings…people ordering the rum and coke, three beers before the main course and sugary drinks on the sidelines. I?ve always been a big water drinker and, to me, it’s the best beverage every single time. Don?t stop drinking it. It?ll make your body feel really good.
  5. Include PGX in your daily routine: I reduced my intake of PGX during that 10 pound weight gain and noticed I was getting the sweet and salty cravings again and eating a bit bigger portions during meals. This month it’s back in my diet and daily routine and I can tell you that it is working for me. I know it will work for you.

I?m going for 10 more pounds this month. I know I?m going to do it too. Stay tuned for my progress.

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FAQ: “What can I do about gas and bloating?”

What to do if you experience gas or bloating while taking PGX.

It is not uncommon for people who have recently started taking PGX to experience some side effects of gas or bloating. While these are not pleasant symptoms to experience, they are nothing to be overly concerned about as there are things you can do to alleviate them!

In order to diminish gas and bloating while taking PGX, reduce the amount of PGX you are taking. Then, once you no longer experience any gas or bloating, you can gradually increase the amount of PGX over a period of 3 to 7 days. Side effects such as these are temporary with most people and usually subside completely after a week or more of taking PGX. As an extra measure, you may also want to take probiotic supplements (friendly intestinal bacteria) to enhance the health of your gastrointestinal tract.

Reminder: It’s also important to remember to drink lots of water when taking PGX!

For more answers to common questions about PGX, please visit our FAQ section or email us your question!


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Natural Factors Presents: PGX Winners

Enter the PGX Winners contest and you could win a 1 year supply of PGX!

We’re excited to announce that you could be one of ten DAILY winners to win a PGX Start Up Kit from Natural Factors! There are over $10,000 worth of prizes to be won and each Start Up Kit includes a 2-week supply of PGX product and a PGX Daily Guide. PLUS, enter daily for your chance to win the Grand Prize of a 1 year supply of PGX!

Included in the PGX Start Up Kit:

  • 30 PGX Daily softgels
  • 10 single-serving PGX Daily packets
  • 14 PGX pre-meal protein drinks (7 chocolate & 7 vanilla) 
  • PGX Daily Guide

Click Here to Enter Daily!

Contest ends July 31st, 2013.

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Another PGX Success Story!

“Thanks for making a product that really works.”

Our Real Life PGX Success Stories were so popular last week that when we received this testimonial we just had to share it with you! Meet Edie from Mississauga, Ontario, a Mom of two, who accredits PGX with helping her lose almost 20 pouds in the past two months! Congratulations, Edie! And thank you so much for taking the time to contact us. We love hearing from you!

Read on to learn more about Edie’s experience with PGX!

?I just wanted to say thanks for making a product that really works. I had two babies and the weight was not coming off. I tried SlimStyles with PGX and it worked. The weight is coming off. I don’t feel hungry at all and I feel more energetic. I have been on it for 2 months and lost almost 20lbs. It’s the best stuff around.

I drink your shake for breakfast, and dinner. My problem is eating at night. However, I noticed that at dinner time when I drink my shake and then work out I don’t need to eat anything else. I have also tried other products that made my heart race and made me feel shaky but with SlimStyles I don’t get any off that. Thanks again for making a product that works. Just to mention it, I got my friend on it and she loves it!!!?

-Edie A. from Mississauga, Ontario

Would you like to have your testimonial featured on our blog? Contact us on Facebook or in the comments below. We look forward to hearing from you. 🙂


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Tasty Tuesday: Heirloom Tomato Salsa

Dive head first into Spring with one of our favourite PGX recipes!

We’ve gone into the PGX Recipe archives and retrieved one of our favourite recipes.

It’s an oldie but a goodie: Heirloom Tomato Salsa. Packed with fresh veggies and a couple sticks of PGX Singles, this salsa makes a light and refreshing snack for any potluck or bbq, in under 30 minutes.

Here’s a quick overview of the ingredients you will need:

  • ? cup lemon juice
  • 1.5 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/2 cup fresh cilantro (or basil), chopped
  • 2 cups heirloom tomatoes, chopped
  • 1 medium green onion
  • 1/8 tablespoon pink rock or grey sea salt
  • 5g PGX Daily Singles (2 sticks)

Optional Ingredient:

  • 1 tablespoon hot pepper, minced

Find the full recipe and directions here. Enjoy!

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